EXO-6 Star Trek "TOS" Figures (The Original Series)

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I'm not sad or impatient about anything, I honestly don't really care im just calling out reality which I know most people are allergic to. People here will always cope with their assumptions that if anyone says anything against the grain then they must be mad, impatient or missed out on something and it's embarrassing. I was simply giving my take after people were telling others to be patient and bringing up nanjins goofy plan and how well its going though you have no actual receipts for the claim other than nanjin says and that his nest egg hasn't dried up yet. Just like kurtzman trek is doing well because they have shows in development that will never see the light of day, a theatrical film that's been announced almost 7 times with different writers and directors that will never ever be made, on going shows that a few thousand people watch and make no money but are only made to push messages and make it look like the franchise isnt dead and a convention that a few thousand people go to, made up of 50+ year olds and that looks completely empty on live streams. Imagine being so dense that when you hear someone say something is dead, that they think that actually means 0 people like or consume products for that franchise smh.
But as for impatience, in order for me to be impatient about these figures, I'd need to actually be excited and that's not possible when you know that more often then not that when a new figure is shown, the head sculpts look hideous or the outfits are inaccurate when they shouldn't be since nanjin is the expert of all experts yet we have unlicensed companies making better figures for less.
On what basis does he owe you anything? He's a guy making figures. Buy them or don't. Seems that quite a lot of people do want to buy them and frankly it's unbelievable most exist. If you'd told me I could buy a 1/6 scale Kira 3 years ago I'd have laughed in your face.
As for his not launching straight into TOS, makes a lot of sense and I glad he hasn't not least as there are like a million Kirk and Spocks already in existance. Whereas I recently bought the third or so Quark figure ever made. And again since when did a business selling figures owe anyone to make the things they want in the order they want them? The entitlement of some of these posts is incredible. If you don't want a Tom Paris, don't buy one.
lol Star Trek has always been pretty much 100% about pushing messages.

I don't like Discovery. I do think it's "messages" are too in your face. But they've always been there and it's not why I dislike Discovery. Star Trek writers have always pushed as far as the writers were allowed. The only difference between how they do it now sometimes is they used to "push messages" through the lense of alien cultures. Rarely through humans who in the show are presented as "past that issue". Somehow this made the "messages" okay and imperceptible to some people when through an alien culture. Or the messages simply weren't messages they minded. Either way not recognizing Star Trek has always been pushing messages is ignorant and/or stupid. I know so many people who LOVE Trek but are 100% ignorant of it's messages and it boggles my mind.

Discovery is a bit in your face. They had the "pronouns" thing happen to a human when that one character wanted to be called "they". My only complaint is that it's like 1000+ years in the future at that that point nobody would care because it's such a non-issue so making a big deal about it seemed awkward. Other people's issue was that it was too in your face "message" but again, it's only because it wasn't masked by an alien culture. I'm 100% sure if the did it through an alien lense you'd get a fraction of the complaints. TNG had that one "third gender" episode with Riker which the writers went as far as they were allowed. You don't get people complaining about it because it was "hidden" because some people are incredibly blind. XD

Blablabla I'll shut up. Star Trek has ALWAYS had a huge portion of it's show been SPECFICALLY about SENDING MESSAGES. Dear god how can anyone possibly think otherwise?!
lol Star Trek has always been pretty much 100% about pushing messages.

I don't like Discovery. I do think it's "messages" are too in your face. But they've always been there and it's not why I dislike Discovery. Star Trek writers have always pushed as far as the writers were allowed. The only difference between how they do it now sometimes is they used to "push messages" through the lense of alien cultures. Rarely through humans who in the show are presented as "past that issue". Somehow this made the "messages" okay and imperceptible to some people when through an alien culture. Or the messages simply weren't messages they minded. Either way not recognizing Star Trek has always been pushing messages is ignorant and/or stupid. I know so many people who LOVE Trek but are 100% ignorant of it's messages and it boggles my mind.

Discovery is a bit in your face. They had the "pronouns" thing happen to a human when that one character wanted to be called "they". My only complaint is that it's like 1000+ years in the future at that that point nobody would care because it's such a non-issue so making a big deal about it seemed awkward. Other people's issue was that it was too in your face "message" but again, it's only because it wasn't masked by an alien culture. I'm 100% sure if the did it through an alien lense you'd get a fraction of the complaints. TNG had that one "third gender" episode with Riker which the writers went as far as they were allowed. You don't get people complaining about it because it was "hidden" because some people are incredibly blind. XD

It's like I wrote it myself. Bravo.
I was starting to think I was the only person annoyed with Adira's pronouns scene for that reason.
Yeah. There's something about bad writing that can turn me off regardless of whether I agree with the message being sent. Discovery did that in spades, and I dropped that show after Season 3. I probably hung in there too long hoping it would get better simply because there was nothing else new being offered in the Star Trek universe at the time.
I'm not sad or impatient about anything, I honestly don't really care im just calling out reality which I know most people are allergic to. People here will always cope with their assumptions that if anyone says anything against the grain then they must be mad, impatient or missed out on something and it's embarrassing. I was simply giving my take after people were telling others to be patient and bringing up nanjins goofy plan and how well its going though you have no actual receipts for the claim other than nanjin says and that his nest egg hasn't dried up yet. Just like kurtzman trek is doing well because they have shows in development that will never see the light of day, a theatrical film that's been announced almost 7 times with different writers and directors that will never ever be made, on going shows that a few thousand people watch and make no money but are only made to push messages and make it look like the franchise isnt dead and a convention that a few thousand people go to, made up of 50+ year olds and that looks completely empty on live streams. Imagine being so dense that when you hear someone say something is dead, that they think that actually means 0 people like or consume products for that franchise smh.
But as for impatience, in order for me to be impatient about these figures, I'd need to actually be excited and that's not possible when you know that more often then not that when a new figure is shown, the head sculpts look hideous or the outfits are inaccurate when they shouldn't be since nanjin is the expert of all experts yet we have unlicensed companies making better figures for less.

It always makes me laugh when people demand to see receipts on something then follow up with a lot of words that they claim are reality and give a lot of numbers, and explanations on why something is the way they think it is, and it’s valid…..but have zero receipts to back up what they say.

Which makes more sense. A company keeps making a product/show for 2.5 years (Exo6) or 7 years (NuTrek era) because it is successful in some level. Or a company/show keeps being made even though it’s proven unsuccessful and fails.

As a Vulcan would say. “Your logic is flawed”
Yeah. There's something about bad writing that can turn me off regardless of whether I agree with the message being sent. Discovery did that in spades, and I dropped that show after Season 3. I probably hung in there too long hoping it would get better simply because there was nothing else new being offered in the Star Trek universe at the time.

I gave in after Season 2 ended (I'm amazed I lasted that long) - so very VERY bad.

Along with the terrible writing, I found Soneque Martin-Green to be incredibly irritating, with no charisma or screen-presence. The best characters seemed to be killed off, written-out or ignored . . . thank-goodness Anson Mount then got to head SNW though!

Literally every day on Facebook im seeing someone put there figures up for sale or on ebay because they were convinced by nanjin that if they didn't support his business and decisions than they wouldn't get the figures they wanted, let alone the side characters hes half pretending to want to make. It's clear that a lot of these people (not all) didn't really want most of the figures but they supported nanjin and liked the shows enough to say f it and bought them. Now that nanjjn can't drag his feet too terribly longer, more people are selling these off and picking up tng and ds9. What do you thinks going to happen if he finally concedes and releases the first true tos figure? More sell offs...

By the way, this is what Nanjin posted on FB today about Dax:

Don't like our arrangement? Skip DAX. If you have to force yourself to collect Jadzia, I rather you not collect her, and collect any other Trek figures that can bring you smile instead of force feeding yourself.
I gave in after Season 2 ended (I'm amazed I lasted that long) - so very VERY bad.

Along with the terrible writing, I found Soneque Martin-Green to be incredibly irritating, with no charisma or screen-presence. The best characters seemed to be killed off, written-out or ignored . . . thank-goodness Anson Mount then got to head SNW though!


I loved season 1 of DISCO, really liked season 2, was ambivalent about season 3, and stopped watching halfway thruseason 4 (When the computer was granted a position in Starfleet :rolleyes:)
I finished it recently when my sister in law was watching. It's not my favorite, but I do like Book a lot.
I loved season 1 of DISCO, really liked season 2, was ambivalent about season 3, and stopped watching halfway thruseason 4 (When the computer was granted a position in Starfleet :rolleyes:)
I finished it recently when my sister in law was watching. It's not my favorite, but I do like Book a lot.

I liked DISCO first two seasons. Once they got into the future I liked the first half of the seasons but the whole “mystery” resolution never lived up to what it set up. So I end up not liking the seasons.

I agree Book is a great character the actor is a lot of fun and charismatic.
lol Star Trek has always been pretty much 100% about pushing messages.

I don't like Discovery. I do think it's "messages" are too in your face. But they've always been there and it's not why I dislike Discovery. Star Trek writers have always pushed as far as the writers were allowed. The only difference between how they do it now sometimes is they used to "push messages" through the lense of alien cultures. Rarely through humans who in the show are presented as "past that issue". Somehow this made the "messages" okay and imperceptible to some people when through an alien culture. Or the messages simply weren't messages they minded. Either way not recognizing Star Trek has always been pushing messages is ignorant and/or stupid. I know so many people who LOVE Trek but are 100% ignorant of it's messages and it boggles my mind.

Discovery is a bit in your face. They had the "pronouns" thing happen to a human when that one character wanted to be called "they". My only complaint is that it's like 1000+ years in the future at that that point nobody would care because it's such a non-issue so making a big deal about it seemed awkward. Other people's issue was that it was too in your face "message" but again, it's only because it wasn't masked by an alien culture. I'm 100% sure if the did it through an alien lense you'd get a fraction of the complaints. TNG had that one "third gender" episode with Riker which the writers went as far as they were allowed. You don't get people complaining about it because it was "hidden" because some people are incredibly blind. XD

Blablabla I'll shut up. Star Trek has ALWAYS had a huge portion of it's show been SPECFICALLY about SENDING MESSAGES. Dear god how can anyone possibly think otherwise?!
Well to be fair, they kinda needed a scene to explain the situation, or else audiences might have been confused if characters were suddenly referring to Adira as "they". And honestly there are people who will be offended no matter how subtle the writers try to be, and just the fact a trans or nonbinary person exists in a show is often considered pushing an agenda. So I don't really put much stock in their opinion.
Well to be fair, they kinda needed a scene to explain the situation, or else audiences might have been confused if characters were suddenly referring to Adira as "they". And honestly there are people who will be offended no matter how subtle the writers try to be, and just the fact a trans or nonbinary person exists in a show is often considered pushing an agenda. So I don't really put much stock in their opinion.

I honestly don't care about a trans/nb person on the show. One of my favorite characters on SNW is Captain Angel. But I thought Adira was ham fisted and lazy.
So the actor didn't come out as NB until a few weeks into filming. At which point the writers promptly wrote the character to "come out" on the show too. Never mind that it reeked of corporate pandering, but it made ZERO sense that Adira would even need to come out in the 32nd century. It would have been better to just have everyone start calling Adira "they" without a word, rather than hang a big, ugly lampshade on it.
By the way, this is what Nanjin posted on FB today about Dax:
Omg when will he stop pushing these horrible unwanted figures on me, I am truly duped and victimized

ExoTrek copy.jpg
I honestly don't care about a trans/nb person on the show. One of my favorite characters on SNW is Captain Angel. But I thought Adira was ham fisted and lazy.
So the actor didn't come out as NB until a few weeks into filming. At which point the writers promptly wrote the character to "come out" on the show too. Never mind that it reeked of corporate pandering, but it made ZERO sense that Adira would even need to come out in the 32nd century. It would have been better to just have everyone start calling Adira "they" without a word, rather than hang a big, ugly lampshade on it.
I was starting to think I was alone in liking Captain Angel. :yess:
Latest comments on Facebook suggest that TOS was delayed due to the logistics of the numbers. The decision to start small with less popular versions of popular characters was very much baked into the business plan it seems. I suppose staff, factory time, and production costs would have had to be paid in advance of full sales. I suppose the more units you have to produce to meet demand, the more of your money gets tied up in stock.
I do wondered given TOS is now close to 60 years old if demand would be as high as everyone think? Khan, Even Kirk Spock and McCoy sat around for some time when QMX produced them gathering dust and took some time before stock Sold out. Even the chair was sitting forever and then was blown out ..
I do wondered given TOS is now close to 60 years old if demand would be as high as everyone think? Khan, Even Kirk Spock and McCoy sat around for some time when QMX produced them gathering dust and took some time before stock Sold out. Even the chair was sitting forever and then was blown out ..
I think numbers generally are lowish but if your product sells out instantly, you have probably under-produced.

Sounds like he wants TUC Kirk ready for next Xmas.
I thought TUC was supposed to be the last hoorah? Seems like everything is fluid, they haven’t touched TOS or TWOK main crew yet.

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