EXO-6 Star Trek “Enterprise” Figures

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Saw this shocking graphic yesterday:

Enterprise and TNG neck and neck in popularity? WTF?
I have a feeling we'll be seeing more ENT figures coming down the pipeline soon.
Saw this shocking graphic yesterday:
View attachment 694911
Enterprise and TNG neck and neck in popularity? WTF?
I have a feeling we'll be seeing more ENT figures coming down the pipeline soon.
I think this is skewed by...
1) TNG is older. People have seen it a lot more. By the time Enterprise came along people were skipping trek. I think by the point Streaming came along if you somehow got the data for total views before these numbers I bet TNG would eclipse everything.

2) People have poor taste and don't realize how great DS9 is. :p
I think this is skewed by...
1) TNG is older. People have seen it a lot more. By the time Enterprise came along people were skipping trek. I think by the point Streaming came along if you somehow got the data for total views before these numbers I bet TNG would eclipse everything.

2) People have poor taste and don't realize how great DS9 is. :p
Second point is the real takeaway here.
I think a lot of people watched Enterprise for the first time on Netflix. I was a dedicated Trek viewer until later Voyager started boring me and then Enterprise premiered my senior year of high school, so I was pretty distracted. Didn’t really give the show another chance until Netflix, and I’m glad I did. Good stuff.
To be fair the incredibly poor video quality does make DS9 a harder watch, especially when you also factor in the heavily serialized story. I suspect if it had been remastered like TNG and was in gorgeous HD, a lot more people would be willing to give it a try.
To be fair the incredibly poor video quality does make DS9 a harder watch, especially when you also factor in the heavily serialized story. I suspect if it had been remastered like TNG and was in gorgeous HD, a lot more people would be willing to give it a try.
I think you're 100% right. It's a shame no one is willing to spend the money to upgrade DS9 or VOY. The upgraded battle scenes on the DS9 documentary look absolutely superb.
I also think DS9 was initially a much harder sell especially to more casual fans with its premise of “Boldly sitting here a waiting for stuff to happen” compared to the intrinsically exploratory nature of literally EVERY Star Trek series that came before or after. Couple that with the less than captivating first season or two of the show. I think a lot of viewers tapped out before the show hit its stride and never went back.

Which is too bad because, as all of us die hards know, DS9 is arguably Star Trek at its finest. Their loss, but I hope most fans eventually find it. Reminds me of trying to convince serious Star Wars fans that The Clone Wars is “Must Watch” territory if they have seen none of it, or only a few episodes in the first season.
I think you're 100% right. It's a shame no one is willing to spend the money to upgrade DS9 or VOY. The upgraded battle scenes on the DS9 documentary look absolutely superb.
I think so too, having just rewatched DS9 on Para+, the lack of HD would be a barrier to someone who is just getting into it.
I also think DS9 was initially a much harder sell especially to more casual fans with its premise of “Boldly sitting here a waiting for stuff to happen” compared to the intrinsically exploratory nature of literally EVERY Star Trek series that came before or after. Couple that with the less than captivating first season or two of the show. I think a lot of viewers tapped out before the show hit its stride and never went back.

Which is too bad because, as all of us die hards know, DS9 is arguably Star Trek at its finest. Their loss, but I hope most fans eventually find it. Reminds me of trying to convince serious Star Wars fans that The Clone Wars is “Must Watch” territory if they have seen none of it, or only a few episodes in the first season.
DS9 may be the best written series of the "modern" Trek, but I think the notion that the Space Station ("boldly sitting") hurting popularity was always a little false & denial of its true fundamental problems.

It's just not a super appealing show. The setting/sets are ugly, the characters aren't as likeable as the other shows. That was by design.

Not by design, is the cast isn't super appealing. The two leads are prone to overacting. You can't expect casual viewers to be invested in all that Bajoran/Cardassian stuff. The Ferengi content is often embarrassing, dumb & uncool.

Place the show on a more visually appealing Federation station, with more appealing actors playing inspirational characters, lose the Bajor/Cardassian/Ferengi content, but maintain the same quality of writing- and presto! You'd have as Station-based show as popular as TNG &VGR!
DS9 may be the best written series of the "modern" Trek, but I think the notion that the Space Station ("boldly sitting") hurting popularity was always a little false & denial of its true fundamental problems.

It's just not a super appealing show. The setting/sets are ugly, the characters aren't as likeable as the other shows. That was by design.

Not by design, is the cast isn't super appealing. The two leads are prone to overacting. You can't expect casual viewers to be invested in all that Bajoran/Cardassian stuff. The Ferengi content is often embarrassing, dumb & uncool.

Place the show on a more visually appealing Federation station, with more appealing actors playing inspirational characters, lose the Bajor/Cardassian/Ferengi content, but maintain the same quality of writing- and presto! You'd have as Station-based show as popular as TNG &VGR!
I'd say you had a point but then you have Voyager which compared to DS9 has horribly unappealing characters (save Seven and the Doctor) and also has NEXLIX aka Jar Jar binks. Morn is more appealing than half of them in VOY.

You're talking crazy talk if you say the cast is worse than VOY or ENT or DISC.

The Bajoran and Cardiassian stuff is the deepest, most well written Star Trek out there aside from some TNG (which is also a top show).

VOY is like the most unearned viewership.


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I'd say you had a point but then you have Voyager which compared to DS9 has horribly unappealing characters (save Seven and the Doctor) and also has NEXLIX aka Jar Jar binks. Morn is more appealing than half of them in VOY.

You're talking crazy talk if you say the cast is worse than VOY or ENT or DISC.

The Bajoran and Cardiassian stuff is the deepest, most well written Star Trek out there aside from some TNG (which is also a top show).

VOY is like the most unearned viewership. But hey, you've got people voting for Trump so you can't expect much. ;p


View attachment 694974
😂love the pic!

Unfortunately, Avery Brooks & Nana Visitor have a propensity to overact. Terry Ferrell isn't a strong actress- who believes she's the "old man". She did get better as the show went on tho. Odo, Bashir & O'Brien aren't very appealing- no casual viewer tunes in to see what's going on with them. Their friendship isnt believable. Keiko doesn't want to be there & who can blame her? Quark & Garak are probably the best performances, but hardly lead characters. The Sisko/Jake relationship is the excellent- but nothing you would tune in for. It doesn't seem like the cast is having fun together. They're just playing their roles.

VGR is more well-cast; a more appealing group, and frankly a better looking group that a casual viewer would rather spend/waste an hour with. You root for them basically because they're underdogs trying to get home & that's compelling and relateable. VGR is a better show to kick back with after a hard day at work for a little escapism.
Odo, Bashir & O'Brien aren't very appealing- no casual viewer tunes in to see what's going on with them. Their friendship isnt believable.

VGR is a better show to kick back with after a hard day at work for a little escapism.

Bashir is famously hard to like in early days, but O’Brien is downright lovable. And ODO? Odo is great. I pity anyone who doesn't enjoy watching Odo work. Different strokes, I suppose.

But you are not wrong about Voyager being a better show to kick back and relax. Like a warm blanket that routinely eases me to sleep.
😂love the pic!

Unfortunately, Avery Brooks & Nana Visitor have a propensity to overact. Terry Ferrell isn't a strong actress- who believes she's the "old man". She did get better as the show went on tho. Odo, Bashir & O'Brien aren't very appealing- no casual viewer tunes in to see what's going on with them. Their friendship isnt believable. Keiko doesn't want to be there & who can blame her? Quark & Garak are probably the best performances, but hardly lead characters. The Sisko/Jake relationship is the excellent- but nothing you would tune in for. It doesn't seem like the cast is having fun together. They're just playing their roles.

VGR is more well-cast; a more appealing group, and frankly a better looking group that a casual viewer would rather spend/waste an hour with. You root for them basically because they're underdogs trying to get home & that's compelling and relateable. VGR is a better show to kick back with after a hard day at work for a little escapism.

As someone who grew up posting on Trek forums on AOL during the 90's heyday, this is essentially what all the VOY vs. DS9 fights came down to. And VOY / DS9 had a huge, huge rivalry when all was said and done.

Star Trek author Keith DeCandido summed up the difference between the two shows perfectly when he compared "For The Uniform" on DS9 to "Blood Fever" on VOY, which aired the same week:

"And that’s DS9 and Voyager in a nutshell. Because on Voyager, Janeway would never have done what Sisko did to the Maquis colony in this episode, and on DS9, goddangit, somebody would’ve gotten laid…"

So really, for a lot of people DS9 is so different from what they had come to expect that they just aren't interested in what it has to offer. They want, like you said, that comfort food.

But as far as the acting (and to bring us back to ENT), I far prefer Brooks's overacting to.... whatever the hell Bakula was doing with Archer most of the time. As for Terry Farrell, she suffered from two things: The writers weren't sure what the character of Dax would even BE for like a season and a half, and Farrell was a model who barely had any acting experience (much like T'Pol).
DS9 may be the best written series of the "modern" Trek, but I think the notion that the Space Station ("boldly sitting") hurting popularity was always a little false & denial of its true fundamental problems.

It's just not a super appealing show. The setting/sets are ugly, the characters aren't as likeable as the other shows. That was by design.

Not by design, is the cast isn't super appealing. The two leads are prone to overacting. You can't expect casual viewers to be invested in all that Bajoran/Cardassian stuff. The Ferengi content is often embarrassing, dumb & uncool.

Place the show on a more visually appealing Federation station, with more appealing actors playing inspirational characters, lose the Bajor/Cardassian/Ferengi content, but maintain the same quality of writing- and presto! You'd have as Station-based show as popular as TNG &VGR!
Yeah DS9 had a very unusual and quirky collection of characters, which may have turned off casual viewers, but they were far from unappealing. They were dynamic and complex and always bouncing off each other in interesting ways (and also massively more charming than the dull characters on that other station-based show of the 90s).

A show set on a Federation station might be interesting to see someday, but writers would probably have a much harder time coming up with the same kind of conflicts and good character drama with a crew that gets along and obeys the rules and lives in a shiny new station.

Not to mention the fact that I like my Trek to be more than just simple mindless escapism.
It's a real shame when the Enterprise section turns into a discussion about DS9. I wish there was something regarding new Enterprise figures to discuss. With T'Pol being the only other Enterprise character shown and doubts cast by EXO-6 regarding completing the crew I unfortunately believe there's only one or two more figures planned for the Enterprise line. I hope I'm wrong. Right now we've seen less figures for Enterprise than any other series.
I feel I should add something thoughtful, considered, and prosaic . . .

. . . so here we go --> DS9 rules - Voyager sucks.​

And that's a couple more people added to my "blocked" list :)

In all seriousness, I'll likely never watch Voyager again - DS9 will get end-to-end re-views every 3 or 4 years.

Yeah it is odd that we seem to have shifted to TNG already, without completing more of Enterprise first. But maybe sales were slowing down too much and Nanjin felt he needed to pivot towards more popular characters.
It's a real shame when the Enterprise section turns into a discussion about DS9. I wish there was something regarding new Enterprise figures to discuss. With T'Pol being the only other Enterprise character shown and doubts cast by EXO-6 regarding completing the crew I unfortunately believe there's only one or two more figures planned for the Enterprise line. I hope I'm wrong. Right now we've seen less figures for Enterprise than any other series.
I just can't see a Mayweather figure ever seeing the light of day.

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