Trevor Grove's Firefly Sculpts

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Feb 1, 2008
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I was lucky enough to be among the first people to receive a few of Trevor's most amazing Firefly sculpts. This guy is a talented artist and by his sculpts, you can see he puts his heart and soul into his work.

I got the ok from Trevor to start this thread for anyone who may want to view them. He will be setting something up I believe for people to order them, so I'd say don't bombard him with messages. He'll respond to this I'm sure, letting everyone know how to go about putting their request in.

I will tell you that the photos do not do these sculpts justice. How they look in person has blown me away. The attention to detail is astounding. You will be more than happy with these as a part of your collection.

I had to use Trevor's shots of them because my camera is pretty not great and is just taking some bad shots. So Trevor, hope you don't mind, but your shots were best.

Congrats Trevor on such amazing pieces. Definitely sculpts to treasure in my collection. Cannot wait for more.
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Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts


Gimme gimme! :naughty
Perfection! Beautiful, beautiful work!

I can't wait to get a set of these!! :whip

Now Trev needs to finish up the gang with Wash and River portraits.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Hey all!

Thanks to BuffyGirl for posting these and letting everyone know about it. I apologize for being secretive about the project, but after the really serious issues that occurred this year concerning custom headsculpts, I did not want a repeat of that. I was attempting to make a bunch of castings so that I would be ready for any interest I might receive, but with my busy schedule, it's quite tough to build up a lot of castings while keeping up with my sculpting projects.

If you are interested in them, drop me a line via email ( or private message, and I'll send you information on how I'll be handling things.

Here is a link to my Deviant Art gallery where you can see some other angles:

Thanks to BuffyGirl for the very kind words on the work! I LOVE Firefly, and I do plan to do a headsculpt of each character. It will likely take me a long time to complete all 9, but this project is a true labor of love for me, and I want to do it well.

thanks folks!
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Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

These are truly awesome works of art. When an artist actually cares about a subject I think there's more that goes into a piece than those that may just be a work for hire. I have a set and am working hard to get them on the best customs I can.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

those are amazing and I am definately interested. this is how customizers should work. finish the sculpt, then put them for sale! great job.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Trevor this is the voice inside of your head... make Eli a Futurama maquette.. You'll love yourself more if you do.

woooooo woooooo wooooooooooo
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

So beautiful, I want to cry!

I can't wait to give you my money for these!
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

We need to somehow clone Trevor to make an evil army of super-sculptors... Muuuhahaha! :mwaha
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

We need to somehow clone Trevor to make an evil army of super-sculptors... Muuuhahaha! :mwaha

:lecture :lecture :lecture

So as far as the outfits go, I'm thinking mfisher would be the perfect person to make a gun belt for Mal. Everything else might be fairly easy to find except for the duster.

I have no idea what outfit I'll do for Jayne right now, though.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Perfect. Just WOW. I want these so bad and am so broke at the moment. Hope to get all these in due time. Thank you Trevor for doing these, just made a lot of people happy!
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Really, really, really, great work Trev. I don't know why a company hasn't jumped on this license.
Re: Trevor's Firefly Sculpts

Damn nice work, can't wait to see some painted.

Just a pitty I'm not into 12" figures, still, I can wait a few more years for Trev to follow up with full statues, haha.