Queen Studios - Terminator 2: Judgement Day T-800 Lifesize bust (NEW 2023)

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Goonsack Steve

Da' One And Only Goonsack
CF Supporter
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Can we take a moment to appreciate another official T2 piece being made?

Between this, Prime 1 and InArt coming soon hopefully, Arnie has been out of the game for too long.
I sense good times ahead. And if InArt gets a 1/6 license (and assuming it's like the TDK situation where Hot Toys still holds the international license) there's no way Howard doesn't respond with a Terminator revisit. At least I'd be amazed if he just let it slide.
Good. I hope it bites him in the ass. Sitting on such a goldmine for all these years.

We might get Terminator Day part 2!

April 3rd, 2012...a day long remembered. Back then it was the war with Enterbay.
I'm not into busts but it looks great, quite accurate.

The endo skull is almost perfect. If QS do an endoskeleton I reckon they'll nail the portrait well.
This would be MUCH better as a 1/3 statue with that level of detail and accuracy..........
arnold schwarzenegger art GIF by haydiroket (Mert Keskin)
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