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Mar 25, 2014
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Hello all. I'm excited to be a part of this community and before talking about collectibles I felt it would be wise to introduce myself. I'm a small time collector from Alberta, Canada. Six months of the year I'm a Facility Operator (a.k.a. Ice Rink Babysitter) and the other six months I'm an Air Tanker Loader Technician (loading air tankers with fire retardant that is used to fight wildfires). I've also been a volunteer firefighter for four years.

Anyway, enough of that boring stuff, lets talk toys. :) Some of the stuff I collect are:

Indiana Jones: One of my favorite movie characters! I have a lot of the Hasbro stuff that came out a few years ago, but my grails would be my two Sideshow Premium Format Statues (Raiders Indy and Kingdom Indy). While the Kingdom Indy was easy to acquire the Raiders Indy took a few years and then a couple months ago one popped up on eBay for a reasonable price and since it was in Canada I didn't have to suffer the weak dollar or high shipping costs. I was most excited to click "Buy It Now" and obtain this stellar statue. I also have the Raiders Indy sixth scale figure which is an awesome piece. Hopefully I can add Sideshow's Pursuit of the Ark statue to my collection someday.

McFarlane NHL: This line seems to be dead. I have some grails (NHL 1 Patrick Roy, Ray Bourque Avs, and Curtis Joseph reapints, 2002 Team Canada sets, NHL 2 Evgeni Nabokov chase, NHL 23 Shane Doan xxx/1996, NHL 32 Claude Giroux 509/500 :cuckoo:). With the line being dead I can focus on adding older pieces to my collection. I also have the big hockey rink McFarlane released in 2007 and it's pretty spectacular when set up.

Star Wars: I have sold off 95% if my Star Wars figures, only keeping the Dewback from the Power of the Force Line, 12'' Tauntaun w/ Han, and my Sideshow sixth scale figures (Asajj Ventress and Anakin Skywalker). I also kept my Master Replicas Force FX Lightsabers (Luke, Anakin, Vader). I'm wanting to add the new sixth scale General Grievous and 501st Clone Trooper to my collection. Especially the Grievous, it looks badass.

And the best of all..........LORD OF THE RINGS!!!!!

When I was nine years old (I'm 22 now) I got to see The Fellowship of the Ring and like Star Wars for kids in the 70s it instantly found a special place in my heart. My first LOTR toy was a Fellowship Ringwraith. I still have it, somewhere hidden in storage. I purchased many of the Toy Biz figures as the years went by. Some I sold, some I have kept. I also bought the Sideshow sixth scale Legolas and Faramir when they were released. Thanks to The Hobbit movies (which I've loved so far) that special place in my heart has been awakened and that is what brought me here! In the past few months I've added two really cool items to my LOTR collection: Polystone Statue Legolas Exclusive (the interchangeable hands w/ bow and w/ knives is a great feature) and the grail- not just of my LOTR stuff but my entire collection - Premium Format Dark Rider of Mordor! This one HURT the wallet but it is such an incredible piece and I had to have it. When I saw Fellowship for the first time I was enthralled by the Ringwraiths as they galloped on their black horses in pursuit of the Ring. One more thing on this piece- it's huge! I couldn't believe how big the box was when I picked it up a the Post Office. Like all of my items it is still boxed up but it will need it's own special display area when the time comes. I also acquired all of the Armies of Middle Earth Ringwraith's on Steeds. Although small (3'' scale) they are neat.

I am really wanting to add the Polystone Statues Galadhrim Archer, Ringwraith on Steed, Strider Excluvie, and Legolas & Gimli on Arod, Premium Format Aragorn, Battle Above the Black and Battle of the Last Alliance diorama, and the Gentle Giant light up Balrog mini bust (which I have already purchased, just hasn't arrived yet LOL).

I have a couple items that I dream about acquiring, those being the Premium Format Sauron, Premium Format Morgul Lord, and Weta's Azog the Defiler on Warg statue. I say dream because I never see them going down in value and right now they are a pretty penny. I wish I had gotten on the PF Morgul Lord when it was around the $700 mark. :slap

I have become very interested in the Asmus line. Their Morgul Lord figure has gotten my attention, and I am looking forward to seeing their Ringwraith on Steed combo. I am really hoping for a Pelennor Fields Legolas (with Helm's Deep Armor), a Haradrim Warrior, and an Orc w/ Warg combo. Azog and his white Warg would make an awesome combo.

As for other things on my LOTR wishlist I'm hoping Sideshow delivers on a Smaug. I think a diorama with him sitting aloft his treasures interacting with Bilbo in Erebor, or even something Premium Format size, would be pretty cool. No, it would be jaw dropping! I also want a GOOD Mumakil diorama. Sideshow's Mumak of Harad statue was such a cop out IMO. We need one in a charging pose, loaded up with Hard archers and Rohan horseman scattering below.

Furthermore, we need a GOOD Fell Beast. Again, I felt Sideshow's was a cop out, and a tiny cop out at that. No wings spread? A tiny Witch King lacking detail? C'mon! The Playalong Armies of Middle Earth Fell Beast at Osgiliath diorama I have is 1000x better and a tenth of the price! And that Fell Beast's wings are spread! :lecture I think a diorama of a Fell Beast taking out a catapult at Minas Tirith would be cool, or obliterating Gondorian soldiers along the wall.

I would also like to get some replica weapons. Legolas is my favorite character so I think having his knives and bow, and even the quiver, would look neat. I don't know about a bow and quiver replica but the United Cutlery knives are actually quite affordable so I see myself with those before to long.

Anyway, thanks for letting me introduce myself and I look forward to chatting about some of the things above and more with everyone here! :)