EXO-6 Star Trek "General Discussion" 1/6 Line

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But what really fires me up, is when people who are locked into their perspective on this, call Discovery garbage and berate fans of the show as not true Trek fans. Nothing could be further from the truth than that. I can appreciate your position on the show, so I’d surely appreciate you appreciating ours.

This right here can be applied across several fandoms.

I've never understood people's need to tear something down and try to suck other people's enjoyment out of something. There are better ways to express if you don't like something then calling it garbage, or poking fun at an acronym.
I tend to rationalise and imagine which tiny tweaks would needed to plug the gaps in logic. When AI improves enough, I will be able to edit the episodes and make them mine. Yessss preciousss...

I could make the Kelvin timeline perfectly acceptable to me with about a dozen small tweaks and some AI dialogue.

10% Tariff to China. Any word from Nanjin if that will be reflected in the prices?

I guess I don't care too much (yet). I'm an American living in the UK.

I don't know why the prices of Star Trek figures aren't the focus of all the news channels?! It's the number one issue!
Won't the tariff have to be collected once the product hits US shores? Anyway, I'm in Australia, so hopefully there is a 'convenient' across-the-board increase in price.
Won't the tariff have to be collected once the product hits US shores? Anyway, I'm in Australia, so hopefully there is a 'convenient' across-the-board increase in price.
I have no idea.
Living in the UK if I buy something in the US and ship it here, if it didn't already take out the "extra taxes" they can often hold it until you pay the other 10% (USA typical tax is 10%, UK is always a flat 20%).
I have no idea what hoops would have to be jumped through. I also doubt EXO or most companies can handle putting a way to handle it on their backend easily since the tariffs are so sudden.
Yeah, I guess I’m a rarity amongst the fandom. I really enjoyed Discovery. I was able to appreciate and enjoy all of the things that were decidedly different from all the other shows. I loved the serialized story line that kept me hanging on week to week, I held no grudge against the show following Burnham’s personal journey through the series. Summed up, I didn’t mind the deviation from what we’ve come to expect from all that came before, and actually appreciated Trek reinventing itself.

I honestly think that a very large portion of the criticism is folks comparing the show to other iterations of Trek lore. And that’s not altogether unfair since we expect any version of Trek to follow the rules and the timeline set for it by the Trek universe writ large. So it was a square peg forcing itself into a round hole for many, and again, that’s fair.

But Discovery fans for the most part were willing (and able) to take the show for what it was unto itself and didn’t feel compelled to make constant comparisons through every scene. No judgement though (at least not much). We all consume art subjectively, so those who really need their Trek to fit perfectly into all that has come before, I get it. And in that light, I fully understand your perspective. But I also hope you can understand and respect my perspective as well. Disco exists in my mind outside the prime trek universe and follows its own path. And taken within that paradigm, I found much (if not all) of it excellent. I will throw in a quick caveat that in later seasons under a new show runner, the wokeism started to get to uncomfortable levels for me, but I was able (by and large) to ignore most of it.

But what really fires me up, is when people who are locked into their perspective on this, call Discovery garbage and berate fans of the show as not true Trek fans. Nothing could be further from the truth than that. I can appreciate your position on the show, so I’d surely appreciate you appreciating ours.

All that said, I’d also like to add that I’d love to see the Discovery poster crew get produced in figure form by EXO one day (regardless if you think they didn’t have enough lines/participation in the show 😂).

At least Lorca, Detmer, Tilly, Detmer, Stamets, Detmer, Culber, Detmer, Admiral Cornwell, Detmer, Admiral Cornwell, Detmer, and DETMER!

I'm just funnin. No disrespect intended. Fwiw Disco visuals were stunning. I can appreciate that much at least. Oh and the soundtrack. Also I was more poking tongue in cheek fun at the "unfortunate name choice" and elitest attitude Nanjin has had toward fans. Karma has a devilishly ironic sense of humor sometimes 😄

P.S. Feel free to poke fun at the fact I still can't get the multi-quotes function to work and my vcr blinks 😅 Technology hates me and when AI takes over, I will be wearing a red shirt that day 😅


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I can never forgive Kurtzman (and Orci) for what was done to Section 31. On Deep Space Nine it was so clearly an unsanctioned clandestine organization that operated outside of Starfleet. It was founded based on an interpretation of a line in the Starfleet charter and for well over a hundred years, had largely been an independent entity that answered to no one, even though they occasionally worked with high ranking Starfleet Officers like Admiral Ross.
Kurtzman decided that it was part of Starfleet Intelligence (for a while there it seemed like he and his former writing partner had decided that it was Starfleet Intelligence), made it an open secret decades before the birth of Luthor Sloan or Julian Bashir, gave them black badges, had operatives loudly recruiting members on Qo'noS... It was no longer interesting, and the more it was utilized in Discovery or talked about in Picard, the worse it got. It came to a head with that terrible ass movie, now the very worst in a franchise that's had a few pretty bad movies over the decades.
I can never forgive Kurtzman (and Orci) for what was done to Section 31. On Deep Space Nine it was so clearly an unsanctioned clandestine organization that operated outside of Starfleet. It was founded based on an interpretation of a line in the Starfleet charter and for well over a hundred years, had largely been an independent entity that answered to no one, even though they occasionally worked with high ranking Starfleet Officers like Admiral Ross.
Kurtzman decided that it was part of Starfleet Intelligence (for a while there it seemed like he and his former writing partner had decided that it was Starfleet Intelligence), made it an open secret decades before the birth of Luthor Sloan or Julian Bashir, gave them black badges, had operatives loudly recruiting members on Qo'noS... It was no longer interesting, and the more it was utilized in Discovery or talked about in Picard, the worse it got. It came to a head with that terrible ass movie, now the very worst in a franchise that's had a few pretty bad movies over the decades.

Irony upon irony, I'm generally a fan of their work. But when you're that prolific...sometimes $h!t happens. 😄
I can never forgive Kurtzman (and Orci) for what was done to Section 31. On Deep Space Nine it was so clearly an unsanctioned clandestine organization that operated outside of Starfleet. It was founded based on an interpretation of a line in the Starfleet charter and for well over a hundred years, had largely been an independent entity that answered to no one, even though they occasionally worked with high ranking Starfleet Officers like Admiral Ross.
Kurtzman decided that it was part of Starfleet Intelligence (for a while there it seemed like he and his former writing partner had decided that it was Starfleet Intelligence), made it an open secret decades before the birth of Luthor Sloan or Julian Bashir, gave them black badges, had operatives loudly recruiting members on Qo'noS... It was no longer interesting, and the more it was utilized in Discovery or talked about in Picard, the worse it got. It came to a head with that terrible ass movie, now the very worst in a franchise that's had a few pretty bad movies over the decades.
Eh I wasn't too bothered by the slight retcon there, as the organization was never well-defined on DS9. And I can see them having different roles inside and outside Starfleet over the years (and by the 24th century have made themselves almost invisible). And they did at least come across like a formidable operation filled with serious professionals... unlike whatever that was in the S31 movie.
S31 was portrayed in the same manner in Enterprise as it was in DS9, and obviously Enterprise predates all these recent depictions.

It doesn’t make sense to go from a super covert entity, to openly locatable bases/ships as seen in DSC, to the debacle in this movie, then back to covert in DS9.

It’s just clear evidence of the writers not understanding the basic source material or not giving a damn.

Sloan was entertaining as hell, this was not.
Charters do change over time but, yeah, most covert stuff would just be done by Starfleet Intelligence. What you would not have would be a lot of human agents. Section 31 should remain outside Starfleet, even if its mercenaries are employed and staffed by some members of Starfleet.

What I dislike is the notion that the socialist liberal utopia only functions because it secretly employs people to trample on rights, break laws, and murder people. I was appalled at the casual way the characters in the movie talked about torturing a courier, as if it was standard practice. Good cop / bad cop aside, torture is known to be an unreliable method of extracting information now. If you place it in a world of psycho tricorders, telepathy, all sorts of high tech tracking, and species specific truth serums (which you can replicate at the touch of a button, albeit possibly not in Garrett's time), it becomes even more redundant.

That the writers clearly felt that torture should be normalised to make the movie edgier speaks volumes for their mentality.
Hey Guys, speaking from experience on this thread, try to include some relevance to Trek figures in the discussion of the properties themselves. Not sure why the mods won't let us include our thoughts on Trek iterations themselves (especially in this General Discussion section) because our thoughts on the state of Trek itself are DIRECTLY related to the figures we're interested in procuring, but nevertheless, I've been edited and warned on this topic, so I guess we'll have to play nice in this forum, or funnel all our general Trek meanderings into the newly created "General Trek Discussion" Thread.

By the way, when is that Disco Detmer figure going to be released from EXO...? 🤷‍♂️
Hey Guys, speaking from experience on this thread, try to include some relevance to Trek figures in the discussion of the properties themselves. Not sure why the mods won't let us include our thoughts on Trek iterations themselves (especially in this General Discussion section) because our thoughts on the state of Trek itself are DIRECTLY related to the figures we're interested in procuring, but nevertheless, I've been edited and warned on this topic, so I guess we'll have to play nice in this forum, or funnel all our general Trek meanderings into the newly created "General Trek Discussion" Thread.
Kickbacks on figures sales?
The other Q is

With all this mess with the tariffs , wondered how much of this will affect the $200-$300 toy market which is the EXO target market ? I imagined probably at least 25-35% of all ST figures sold at that price range comes to US. Everyone will lose . The buyer will probably slow ordering as this target market are probably more sensitive to prices , the retailer and the company ( IE EXO, Mars etc) selling these price range figures

I already heard the custom 1/6 market has already slowed down significantly and these are $1000-$2,000 figures . Buyers in the high range are not buying as much as before.