Asmus LotR Crown series: how will you handle upgrades re: your existing collection?

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Super Freak
Dec 27, 2018
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tl;dr - Given impressive quality improvement of the Crown series, if the only option you have is to replace head sculpts and yet Crown is much improved in every way, will you pop for the new figure?

It look like we'll be able to purchase new upgraded head sculpts as the Crown series progresses. If I'm not mistaken that has consistently been Asmus' practice, and they're doing it for Crown GtG.

But I wonder if we're also going to have the option to replace things like parts of costumes and other accessories. And in general I wonder whether it will make sense to just get Crown figures.

I have a sizable investment by now with this. Over the last year--before it was announced that there would be a Crown line--I acquired the Fellowship sans Gandalf. All the SLIM versions (except for Legolas Deluxe and Gimli) via eBay or BBTS. I held off on Gandalf because I saw on this forum that the Crown series was coming. I was very thankful for that, having shelled out $400 (including tax and shipping) for a brand new SLIM Aragorn. And for eBay auctions of new/never displayed GtGs I was seeing them go for like $475 or more.

I expect to be able to get new Crown head sculpts. But Asmus is improving the figures' articulation as well. Crown GtG has 35 points of articulation which rivals or surpasses some of Hot Toys' best. Crown GtG comes with a cool looking tome, etc.

Improved articulation in general and pliable boots for Aragorn and Boromir are something I would really appreciate. The boots they have really limit posing options. Only Legolas has really HT quality articulation. I don't use crotchgrabber stands for any of my 1/6 figures because for me they spoil the sense of realism that I want. As such I can get my four SLIM hobbits to stand stably but they all have to lean forward just slightly. And I have Aragorn and Boromir stably posed, but because of the stiff plastic boots not very dynamically.

Another potential factor is that that the Crown line may also significantly improve costume details and accessories, which has always been an Asmus strong suit.

So I may be in a quandary when, say, the Crown series Aragorn is released. Do I just get a new, improved head sculpt? That alone may be what I have to settle with.

But what if the Crown Aragorn figure is substantially improved in a lot of other areas as well? The articulation in the SLIM figure I can probably live with. But will I be able to change parts? For example, I'm unsure if SLIM Aragorn's boots are removable. But if there is a way to do that, and Crown Aragorn has softer boots with flat soles available I would want get that too--but just that. And if the Crown Aragorn has an improved leather coat for him, the sleeves of which don't tend to bunch up under his bracers (which over time likely will crack the leather), then of course I would want that. Etc.

Will Crown Frodo come with a Mithril shirt? No doubt he will. Will I only be able to get that by purchasing the Crown figure?

And so on and so forth. But you all get the idea.

Collecting the Asmus Fellowship of the Ring has been a significant investment. I don't want to have to start over with a very high end reissue of all of my figures. In some cases I migh consider getting the entire new figure, I'll just have to see. But in general I really don't want to have to do that, obviously.

I know we don't really know yet what will be possible when it comes to 'parting out' replacement pieces for our existing figures. But if all you can do is replace the head sculpt and yet the rest of the figure looks way better, do you think you're going to pop for a brand new figure (at a much higher price that the one you'll be replacing)?
tl;dr - Given impressive quality improvement of the Crown series, if the only option you have is to replace head sculpts and yet Crown is much improved in every way, will you pop for the new figure?

It look like we'll be able to purchase new upgraded head sculpts as the Crown series progresses. If I'm not mistaken that has consistently been Asmus' practice, and they're doing it for Crown GtG.

But I wonder if we're also going to have the option to replace things like parts of costumes and other accessories. And in general I wonder whether it will make sense to just get Crown figures.

I have a sizable investment by now with this. Over the last year--before it was announced that there would be a Crown line--I acquired the Fellowship sans Gandalf. All the SLIM versions (except for Legolas Deluxe and Gimli) via eBay or BBTS. I held off on Gandalf because I saw on this forum that the Crown series was coming. I was very thankful for that, having shelled out $400 (including tax and shipping) for a brand new SLIM Aragorn. And for eBay auctions of new/never displayed GtGs I was seeing them go for like $475 or more.

I expect to be able to get new Crown head sculpts. But Asmus is improving the figures' articulation as well. Crown GtG has 35 points of articulation which rivals or surpasses some of Hot Toys' best. Crown GtG comes with a cool looking tome, etc.

Improved articulation in general and pliable boots for Aragorn and Boromir are something I would really appreciate. The boots they have really limit posing options. Only Legolas has really HT quality articulation. I don't use crotchgrabber stands for any of my 1/6 figures because for me they spoil the sense of realism that I want. As such I can get my four SLIM hobbits to stand stably but they all have to lean forward just slightly. And I have Aragorn and Boromir stably posed, but because of the stiff plastic boots not very dynamically.

Another potential factor is that that the Crown line may also significantly improve costume details and accessories, which has always been an Asmus strong suit.

So I may be in a quandary when, say, the Crown series Aragorn is released. Do I just get a new, improved head sculpt? That alone may be what I have to settle with.

But what if the Crown Aragorn figure is substantially improved in a lot of other areas as well? The articulation in the SLIM figure I can probably live with. But will I be able to change parts? For example, I'm unsure if SLIM Aragorn's boots are removable. But if there is a way to do that, and Crown Aragorn has softer boots with flat soles available I would want get that too--but just that. And if the Crown Aragorn has an improved leather coat for him, the sleeves of which don't tend to bunch up under his bracers (which over time likely will crack the leather), then of course I would want that. Etc.

Will Crown Frodo come with a Mithril shirt? No doubt he will. Will I only be able to get that by purchasing the Crown figure?

And so on and so forth. But you all get the idea.

Collecting the Asmus Fellowship of the Ring has been a significant investment. I don't want to have to start over with a very high end reissue of all of my figures. In some cases I migh consider getting the entire new figure, I'll just have to see. But in general I really don't want to have to do that, obviously.

I know we don't really know yet what will be possible when it comes to 'parting out' replacement pieces for our existing figures. But if all you can do is replace the head sculpt and yet the rest of the figure looks way better, do you think you're going to pop for a brand new figure (at a much higher price that the one you'll be replacing)?

Best I can suggest for those with significant investment is just get head sculpts, as needed. Unless you're really determined, which IMO is why ASMUS is releasing the Crown series anyway. Partly as a labor of love, and partly because based on some really good customs, there's a market for VERY high end figs.

But those figs have a price tag to go with:horror. Guess you have to decide what kind of collector u are - one who wants the "ultimate" collection (replace with high end if you can) or since the original bodies and costumes are pretty good anyway - and how often really do you work with your figures? that maybe picking up head sculpts and the occasional parted out accessory is enough. Or outright replace accessories with custom stuff made from real leather, metal, etc.

For myself *shrug* since I hadn't made a significant investment - like with Gandalf I'll have two. E.g. original can be viewed as spare parts, sold off, stored, or displayed...I mean I don't worry about it 'coz these figs are SO limited. Unique with small production runs. At worst having
an original - it's just something to have, display with books, or other. But since I'm drifting into kitbashing - having lots of 1/6 stuff around including duplicates and parts is normal. All fits nicely into a plastic tub.

Finally it's character luv too. My favs would get instant upgrades. Others like Gimli - who is a wonderful fig - I wouldn't bother. I'm happy with him as-is.
The Crown Gandalf seems not such a huge step up in the quality of the set overall to make a wholesale upgrade essential; while still being enough of an improvement to reward full-set customers. Just the head for me, it's awesome they're offering it separately.
I doubt they would offer anything besides head sculpts. You can always just get the spare parts you want from toy anxiety or eBay.

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I decided that some figures are good enough as they are, such as Saruman, Thranduil,

I've also heavily customized most of my figures, so I feel like they really satisfy my demands, but the new Gandalf is a dream come true. At first I thought about just getting the new head, but I decided to upgrade the whole figure because its such a significant character for me. As for Legolas, I'd love an upgrade on the hair. Gimli ( which I also customized) is close to perfection and I don't see why I would ever sell him. I feel like if you want to sell and part with your figures to get a few crown version, that theres enough demand for them out there. My Gandalf has rooted hair and beard, I put a lot of effort into him, so I would ask about as much as the upgraded crown , but thats just me, because I'm a customizer and collector :)
I can't tell you how many Star Wars figures I have bought over and over again as they get upgraded every 7 years or so. This Crown line seems to be no different than going from, say, old Sideshow to new HT... more or less.

I do hope they add things to the Crown line. I'd be willing to buy a whole new Aragorn if its was Helm's Deep as opposed to yet another Strider.

I'm also going for just the head on this GtG, as I just bought their last Grey a couple years ago. I think the head alone will satisfy my older Grey. Now the upcoming GtW, as its been 6 years, I expect there to be some extra stuff as well as much a larger improvement on the outfit (especially that vest) so I'm fully planning on getting that entire figure.

Legolas is definitely one I would also double-dip on for improvement. Gimli likely not, at least not for a few years.

Frodo, I'm still waiting on the promised replacement head so hopefully when that comes my current version (the newer Slim) will be fine.

I never got Boromir, Merry, Pippin or Samwise.... and I think I'm glad now. If those make it to Crown level, they might just make it to my shelf.

I'd love a Crown Gothmog, but I don't see that ever happening. Not sure any of the other villains (Orcs and Nazgul) would improve much with Crowning. Saruman likely would, but like GtG, I'm not sure the improvement would be worth the upgrade since he already comes with real hair and I already tea-bathed the outfit.
As of right now my Asmus/LOTR collection is limited to the Fellowship, Bilbo and Gollum.

With doubles of Aragorn, GtG and Frodo.

I have the Crown Gandalf on order, and I will no doubt purchase an updated Aragorn when that debuts in the Crown series.

Outside of that I will just purchase head replacements if I feel they are needed.

At this time I dont think Gimli or my Modded haired Legolas need any more attention.

But I'd gladly upgrade all the Hobbits with a better sculpt and real hair if they ever get around to doing that.

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This crown business has me thinking. I posted about being a newbie with Asmus stuff and I'm thinking of starting with Arwen and the slim Frodo,...but should I just wait for all these crowns? That Gandalf really is a beaut.

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This crown business has me thinking. I posted about being a newbie with Asmus stuff and I'm thinking of starting with Arwen and the slim Frodo,...but should I just wait for all these crowns? That Gandalf really is a beaut.

It's a interesting thought, would Asmus really do a Crown version of Arwen? I assumed the Crown series would be for the big name characters or really elaborate costumes... but the big names pretty much end with: Gandalf, Aragorn, Frodo, Legolas and Gimli. The question becomes: will enough people pay $350 for a Crown Boromir? Or Arwen's coronation dress? You can start to see the problem.
I'd rather Asmus not start slapping the Crown Line on everything they plan on re-releasing but rather save it for rare or hard to produce stuff like:
New Witch-king with die cast armour and improved soft goods.
Coronation Aragorn & Arwen Deluxe set.
Black Gate Aragorn with Brego.
Gollum with rubber skin.
The King of the Dead
Isildur and Elendil two pack.

They have already shown they can nail highly detailed figures at an accessible price point with Eomer, Theoden, Gimli and Boromir so I wouldn't be game for upgrades on these any time soon (maybe a new sculpt for Boromir). Obviously Legolas needs rooted hair but not a full new release as he's practically perfect in every other regard. That said, to echo others above they've still not nailed the sculpts for Merry and Pippin so I'd be up for another shot at them as a two pack with their full gear, their Barrow blades, both cloaks, elven blades etc.

The fellowship figure that is desperate for Crown treatment is Strider. If you compare the ACI version to both Asmus Regular and Slim versions, the difference is night and day in regards to costume details. I know the ACI version was more expensive on release but now that Asmus have upped their game, I'd expect their next iteration of Aragorn to be practically definitive :)

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I think they need to do the Crown line for the popular characters. Aragorn and Legolas are must as there are room for improvement for what's out so far. The niche figures won't see the Crown line treatment.
I think they need to do the Crown line for the popular characters. Aragorn and Legolas are must as there are room for improvement for what's out so far. The niche figures won't see the Crown line treatment.

I agree. Throw Saruman in there, too. And Gollum with two head sculpts, and of course Sauron himself. Everyone else... it isn’t really necessary.
So would it be fair to say I'd probably be okay buying Arwen but wait on Frodo and the other big 3 fellowship members(Aragorn, Legolas, Gandalf)?

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I think offering the portraits is enough. I'm sure outfits and accessories will be available parted out for folks who really want something, albeit at a premium.

My Crown "essentials" would be:
  • GTW
  • LotR Legolas (improved head sculpt, haired, additional accessories)
  • Black Gate or King Aragorn
  • Frodo (haired, improved head sculpt, weathered outfit)
  • Queen Arwen (haired)
  • (possibly) spellbound King Theoden on throne
  • (possibly) Saruman (haired and bearded)

I'd be fine with all of the other characters handled as standard releases:
  • Sauron
  • Gollum/Smeagol (long overdue)
  • Lurtz
  • Elrond
  • Faramir
  • Eowyn (in gown)
  • Denethor
  • King of the Dead
  • Frodo in Armor
  • Sam in Armor
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I will buy ANY version of Gollum. He's my favorite character and I think it's nuts he hasn't been made yet

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