1/6 Halloween '78 Laurie Strode (Caine Productions/Yunsil - Toribox)

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Super Freak
Jun 20, 2015
Reaction score
Stow, Ohio
Hello, everyone.

This is the new thread for the Halloween '78 Laurie Strode project. The initial thread was started by Amstel (SSF), but things have changed and it is now being run by myself, and my good friend, Papasmoak (SSF).

This will be a limited run of H&C (Head and clothing) sets, accompanied with a COA (Certificate of authenticity). It is also in the plans to have a few extra unpainted head sculpts available for those who might be interested in just the sculpt. At this point in time, I am not opposed to the idea of a full set release, but it would largely depend on what artists we end up getting on board for accessories and such. Aside from making this as great as it can be, I want it to also remain as affordable as possible.


Caine will supposedly begin working on the sculpt around March. We are going for ONE version of Laurie, and it will be sculpted bald for the addition of real hair. Once Caine finishes the sculpt, the pics will be posted here. Once I get the castings in hand, I will begin work on a painted prototype complete with real hair.


I have stated before that I am down for painting and hairing a limited number of sculpts. I initially said I didn't want to do anymore than 10 myself, but those 10 spots filled up very quickly, and so I said I'd do a few more. I do not want this number to exceed 15, otherwise I'm gonna want to put a gun in my mouth. I'm only one guy, and I simply don't have the time to commit to that amount of work on top of my regular commission work. With that said, I have plans to recruit another artist to help me handle the workload. It will be someone who's skill I stand behind.

*Heads will come unpainted unless specified otherwise
*Unpainted sculpts will come as BALD ONLY!


I have spoken with Yunsil, and we can submit an order as soon as we have a deposit ready. I will leave this up to you all when you want this to happen. I know some people feel better throwing down after they've seen a finished sculpt. We could also say "screw it", and start collecting deposits in order to reserve a better spot with her. Seriously, I am pretty lax, and I will leave this up to you. This outfit needs to be perfect, so we are of course opting for a prototype with room for revisions.

The estimated cost for the outfit per set will be determined once the deposits are in. This will ensure you have secured your spot, and the run will then close. In my email exchanges with Yunsil, it appears for 10 sets the price would be around $315usd. This price lowers with the more people we have on board. It would be ideal for us to get around 20 or so solid, dedicated heads. It was also mentioned that the price is subject to change, depending on the quality of the fabric and what is available to to them. For now, I hope this is enough to give you an idea.


-Navy blue sweater
-Baby blue shirt
-Bell bottom jeans


*Unpainted head sculpt will be $75usd.

*Deposit for the outfit will most likely be $100usd, with the remainder due once Yunsil is ready to begin production. At this time, the run will be closed.

*Prices DO NOT include shipping costs.


I'm afraid this is up in the air at the moment. I will update as I iron out the details.


Amstel previously spoke to Ironhed577 about helping us out with a cool finished package and COA's. He provided all of this for the Dr. Loomis run, and it was pretty fantastic. Truly the icing on the cake. I'm so happy to have him on board as long as he can fit it in his schedule.


Request to be painted and haired by T-Squared marked with (***)

1. T-Squared ***
2. Papasmoak ***
3. vjm173 ***
4. Spiderforever7 ***
5. Ren_dog ***
6. ishothimsixtimes ***
7. dj.Cbear
8. TheWhatWhatNow
9. JeffTVR
10. Joebizz34
11. Sidious-66
12. Rkrause21 ***
13. Rydeck ***
14. Chris Membreno (FB)
15. James Morris (FB) ***
16. b00too
17. mwaarrkd
18. Matthew Mayhem


1. Ironhed577 ***
2. Hunterdnrc
3. Groovy34
4. Jeronimo
5. Killercustoms82
6. CleverGirl
You forgot to mark me down for this: Request to be painted and haired by T-Squared marked with (***)