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  1. S

    Custom Repainted HT Joker Charity Auction

    I am auctioning off one of my painted headsculpts for the earthquake victim in Japan. 100% of this auction's final sale price will go to charity. This is the least I can do for the victims as a painter. If this auction is successful. I will be painting more sculpts for this cause...
  2. S

    Question about upcoming female sculpt

    Longbow has actually been planning to do a female headsculpt since a few years back. Now the project is a bit more solidified, we would like to ask SSC a few questions. 1. what type of body do you guys prefer to have the sculpt to be compatible with? (i.e HT, Takara, dml, bbi etc?) 2. Any...
  3. S

    Longbow MD sculpt completed!

    After months and months of work, M.D is finally finalized! The production has been a long stretch. Nevertheless, it is a very rewarding experience. Without babbling on, lets allow the pictures to do the talking: As usual, Longbow staff would love to hear any comment or criticism from you...
  4. S

    Longbow MD sculpt update

    On behalf of Longbow's artists, I'd like to share these images with you guys. First thing first, the project is far from dead. We've been working hard to improve the sculpt that was shown in the previous preview. What we are showing today is very, very close to final version. We should be able...
  5. S

    Aragorn repaint

    I just painted him up a few days ago. Hopefully you guys will enjoy him as much as I did when painting it. Comments and critiques are welcomed as usual, thanks for viewing all.
  6. S

    headsculpt paintworks (image heavy)

    And this is what you get for keeping a nerd snowed in :P (First 2 are DiD Jacob Blau and Franklin. The next 5 are sculpted by Tony Barton, bearded sculpts are commissioned RPT sculpts, and finally followed by Mike's star trek sculpts) Comments and critiques are welcomed as usual. Thanks for...
  7. S

    Presenting headsculpt #3: MD

    On behalf of the Longbow's artists, I am happy to unveil the latest sculpt we've been working on. The sculpt is currently in its final tweaking stage, and should soon enter the casting stage provided that everything proceeds smoothly. As usual, the team will be more than happy to hear you guys'...
  8. S

    Why so serious? (HT Joker Repaint)

    Because repainting little doll's headsculpt is serious business! Anyway, enough of yapping. Here is my attempt on HT's Joker sculpt, which is a drastically different project from regular military headsculpts that I paint. Though I have to admit, it is very enjoyable learning experience to paint...
  9. S

    Bernhardt repainted

    Another all-time DML favorite from many collectors. I always liked Bernhardt's toughened look. However, the factory's painted scar just won't cut it. Hopefully this rework will toughen him up a bit. As usual, comments and critiques are welcomed, thanks again for viewing everybody.
  10. S

    DML Steiner repaint

    An all-time favorite among many collectors. Can't disagree with it, even for today's standard, the sculpting is superior to many 2008 1/6 sculpts. Anyway, here is my repaint of it. As usual, comments and criticisms are welcomed, thanks for viewing!
  11. S

    HT Crowe repaint

    Hot Toys sculpt I painted up over the course of 3 months. As usual, common and especially criticisms are welcomed as usual. Thanks for viewing guys. (p.s. E5Sargemac did the hat weathering)
  12. S

    LOTR Aragorn Repaint

    Topic says it all =) It's a commission I painted up a few weeks ago. As usual, comments and criticisms are welcomed. Thanks for viewing him!
  13. S

    some paintworks and an experiment

    Special thanks to Boot25 for lighting some fire on my butt so I can stop procrastinating and start painting! Thanks for keeping me motivated =) As usual, I will appreciate any constructive criticisms. So fire away, guys! Without babbling on, here they are. Thanks for viewing them everybody...
  14. S

    Presenting Longbow Headsculpt #2

    On behalf of the team, I would like to thank everybody's feedbacks and supports on our first headsculpt. We kept these criticisms in mind and carried it to this one. We will not be naming this project at the moment... it is up to you guys to name it. If you guys cannot point out who the sculpt...
  15. S

    Saving Private Ryan Millers

    On behalf of the team at Longbow Studios is proud to present you the Tom Hanks head we have been working on. Please feel free to PM us if you have any question regarding the headsculpt. Once again, Longbow Studios would appreciate any comment or criticisms from you hobbyists, we are looking...