I was born to Howard Anthony Stark and Maria Collins Carbonell Stark, owners of the prominent US firm, Stark Industries. As a boy, I was fascinated with building and controlling machines. At the age of 15 i entered the undergraduate electrical engineering program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and graduated with two masters degrees by age 19. I then went to work for Stark Industries, but showed more interest in living a reckless playboy lifestyle than using my engineering skills lol. At the age of 21, I inherited Stark Enterprises when my parents were killed in a car accident secretly orchestrated by rival corporation Republic Oil (later ROXXON). Although still lacking in business acumen, i promoted secretary Virginia "Pepper" Potts to be my executive assistant and left the majority of my workload on her aswell as other stuff wink wink...so that i could avoid what i saw as a burden.
The Life and Times of Tony Stark aka Iron Man
- Location
Stark Towers
- Occupation
- Saving the world
- Instagram