Your favorite superhero

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Your favorite superhero?

  • Batman

    Votes: 27 45.0%
  • Superman

    Votes: 9 15.0%
  • Spider-Man

    Votes: 9 15.0%
  • Captain America

    Votes: 8 13.3%
  • Iron Man

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aquaman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Flash

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Green Lantern

    Votes: 3 5.0%
  • Wolverine

    Votes: 4 6.7%

  • Total voters

Prime Clone

Super Freak
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Outer Rim territories
Can be based on movie, TV, comics, whatever. Arbitrary list (but I think I've covered most of the main options :))

Apologies to fans of Hulk, WW, FF, Black Widow, Daredevil etc.
That's a surprisingly difficult question.

  • Nostalgia, style and villains: Batman
  • Nostalgia and fun factor: Spider-Man
  • Sheer entertainment value: RDJ's Iron Man
  • Nostalgia: Superman

Based on that, I have to choose Batman, but the only clear 'loser' in that list is Superman, since he's so over-powered I love to see him on-screen but I've outgrown his stories. I was a fan of his comics until I was about fifteen.

I prefer Batman's villains to Spidey's, and if it wasn't for RDJ and the MCU I wouldn't care who Iron Man was. So Batman pulls ahead.
Captain Marvel!!!
Good ol Spidey. If it wasn?t for the Raimi movies, I may never have been into superheroes lol
Batman is my all time favourite superhero [Michael Keaton, Christian Bale and Ben Affleck in that order, as are the Batmobiles they each drove]......:)
Batman. From growing up with BTAS/TNBA and playing with all the Kenner stuff, to the Burton movies, to the JL animated shows, then Nolan Trilogy, then the New 52 stuff which really brought me back into comics... always Batman.

Other top favorites include Daredevil, Punisher, Guardians of the Galaxy (MCU and Comics), Captain America, Modern Thor (Comics, specifically Aaron's run, and MCU). Modern Iron Man (Comics and MCU), Spider-Man (Parker and Morales) Modern Aquaman comics.

Also, The Boys have rocketed up my list, if they count.
If we're sticking to Super-Heroes, then I'll go with Hal Jordan:


I got into him, and the whole GL, pretty late compared with other characters, like Batman and Spider-Man. But I've outgrown them, whereas my appreciation for GL as a whole has only increased. I actually got into GL around 2009, when I bought my 3GS and downloaded comic book apps, which got me into then-current comics. Up until then I was only reading Ultimate Spider-Man, which came out monthly the same as in the US. If I have any actual childhood nostalgia for a Capecharacter, it's Ultimate Spider-Man, and Ultimate Marvel in general. It's the quintessential 00s line and it captured the zeitgeist completely. That, plus WildStorm, but that's another story. Anyway, point is, before GL, I was into comic book characters in a "oh yeah, I like Batman and Spider-Man so I'll buy this Bat-Trashcan, this Spider-Piggy-Bank and this action figure". I bought the vidya, I bought the pillowcases, etc. If we're talking childhood, Spider-Man was my guy. I suppose I still have some slight attachment to him, compared to Batman.

Anyway, back to GL. I got into him a bit later than I got into Iron Man, whom I started being interested into due to buying a Civil War TPB, Ultimates and some reprints of old stories. GL is, IMO, the best Sub-Verse in comics. I know many people dislike the Rainbow Corps, but for me it's what completes the lore. I like how the GLs are basically Space Cops, which allows for a different take over "random space cape" or "regular cape". It gives them a goal and identity. Moreover, the entire universe is their playground, which means that anything you can think of can happen in a GL book. Ancient Aliens, Eldritch Horrors, more straightforward Sci-Fi, anything. You can write a Police Procedural, or you can treat them as Knights, or whatever else you want. It jsut taps into a lot of genres instead of just being one thing limited by Cape**** rules.

But most importantly, I just like how the actual power is literally Willpower. I never liked all the "moral lessons" from cheap Cape****, I just wanted to pass the time. It all felt hollow and empty, when it came from static characters dressed in tights and blessed with godlike powers, fortunes greater than Count Monte Cristo's, and so on and so forth. I felt that it cheapened the pure entertainment value. And here's GL with an actualy good lesson, which is "just will it". Yes, yes, I know, you've got every other Cape doing their DBZ moment, but after that part's done, they go back to their usual, static self. It's less of a character trait with them, but more of a forgotten add-on. Meanwhile GL is just pure Will personified. And I find that rather interesting. The whole Emotional Spectrum, really. I like particularly how Johns made Love into a Xenomorph-esque creature, symbolozing the predatory, raw and all encompasing power of pure Love, instead of going with some boring, cutesy plushy. Anyway, GL just means business and has a very study core that is transcendal of capes, which makes him my favourite. It brings some comfort to "tap into" the GL Oath and pretend to overcome fear and so on. "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.", as someone else would say...

As for why Hal specifically, it's because he's the type that just wants to go beyond. He's the kid inside you who wanted to be an astronaut and still hoped to board a spaceship and go on great adventures. It appeals to me when every other GL is more basic. Fleshed out characters or not, their aspirations are more gounded. So, yeah, Hal.

I didn't go with Tony because I don't consider him a proper "Super-Hero" in the sense that most people mean. Hal has that luxury since he deals with more "black and white" threats, while Tony lives in the grey. If you asked me my Top 5 Comic Book Characters, it's probably stabillized to (in no particular order):

1. Doctor Doom
2. Hal Jordan
3. Iron Man
4. Punisher
5. Judge Dredd

Honourable Mention: Deathstroke

A lot have come and go, but these are the ones that've remained past "oh yeah, I like that guy". Ult!Spider-Man is pure nostalgia, and Batman will always hang around, I suppose. You can never really get rid of him. I stuck to comics only, because otherwise we'd be here all day. Vader is up there in my all-time favourites due to various reasons, including nostalgia, for example. If we add movies, books, videogames, wew!

Hulk and WW should replace Green Lantern and Aquaman. Nobody cares about GL and Aquaman. :lol

If we're sticking to Super-Heroes, then I'll go with Hal Jordan:


I got into him, and the whole GL, pretty late compared with other characters, like Batman and Spider-Man. But I've outgrown them, whereas my appreciation for GL as a whole has only increased. I actually got into GL around 2009, when I bought my 3GS and downloaded comic book apps, which got me into then-current comics. Up until then I was only reading Ultimate Spider-Man, which came out monthly the same as in the US. If I have any actual childhood nostalgia for a Capecharacter, it's Ultimate Spider-Man, and Ultimate Marvel in general. It's the quintessential 00s line and it captured the zeitgeist completely. That, plus WildStorm, but that's another story. Anyway, point is, before GL, I was into comic book characters in a "oh yeah, I like Batman and Spider-Man so I'll buy this Bat-Trashcan, this Spider-Piggy-Bank and this action figure". I bought the vidya, I bought the pillowcases, etc. If we're talking childhood, Spider-Man was my guy. I suppose I still have some slight attachment to him, compared to Batman.

Anyway, back to GL. I got into him a bit later than I got into Iron Man, whom I started being interested into due to buying a Civil War TPB, Ultimates and some reprints of old stories. GL is, IMO, the best Sub-Verse in comics. I know many people dislike the Rainbow Corps, but for me it's what completes the lore. I like how the GLs are basically Space Cops, which allows for a different take over "random space cape" or "regular cape". It gives them a goal and identity. Moreover, the entire universe is their playground, which means that anything you can think of can happen in a GL book. Ancient Aliens, Eldritch Horrors, more straightforward Sci-Fi, anything. You can write a Police Procedural, or you can treat them as Knights, or whatever else you want. It jsut taps into a lot of genres instead of just being one thing limited by Cape**** rules.

But most importantly, I just like how the actual power is literally Willpower. I never liked all the "moral lessons" from cheap Cape****, I just wanted to pass the time. It all felt hollow and empty, when it came from static characters dressed in tights and blessed with godlike powers, fortunes greater than Count Monte Cristo's, and so on and so forth. I felt that it cheapened the pure entertainment value. And here's GL with an actualy good lesson, which is "just will it". Yes, yes, I know, you've got every other Cape doing their DBZ moment, but after that part's done, they go back to their usual, static self. It's less of a character trait with them, but more of a forgotten add-on. Meanwhile GL is just pure Will personified. And I find that rather interesting. The whole Emotional Spectrum, really. I like particularly how Johns made Love into a Xenomorph-esque creature, symbolozing the predatory, raw and all encompasing power of pure Love, instead of going with some boring, cutesy plushy. Anyway, GL just means business and has a very study core that is transcendal of capes, which makes him my favourite. It brings some comfort to "tap into" the GL Oath and pretend to overcome fear and so on. "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.", as someone else would say...

As for why Hal specifically, it's because he's the type that just wants to go beyond. He's the kid inside you who wanted to be an astronaut and still hoped to board a spaceship and go on great adventures. It appeals to me when every other GL is more basic. Fleshed out characters or not, their aspirations are more gounded. So, yeah, Hal.

I didn't go with Tony because I don't consider him a proper "Super-Hero" in the sense that most people mean. Hal has that luxury since he deals with more "black and white" threats, while Tony lives in the grey. If you asked me my Top 5 Comic Book Characters, it's probably stabillized to (in no particular order):

1. Doctor Doom
2. Hal Jordan
3. Iron Man
4. Punisher
5. Judge Dredd

Honourable Mention: Deathstroke

A lot have come and go, but these are the ones that've remained past "oh yeah, I like that guy". I stuck to comics only, because otherwise we'd be here all day. Vader is up there in my all-time favourites due to various reasons, including nostalgia, for example. If we add movies, books, videogames, wew!


I was not expecting that gif after reading that novel. :lol

I'm not a fan of objects giving people their powers, in this case a ring. Also, I feel like his powers are not well defined. I do like the "will" aspect because it leaves the door open for the character to both fail and succeed when necessary. However, I wish they got rid of the rings, and for their power to come from within, kind of like "Ki" in Dragon Ball or "the schwartz" in Space Balls when Yogurt tells Bill Pullman he had the power inside the whole time and the ring was just some price he found in a Cracker Jack box. :lol
So Since Hulk is not on here I will avoid the vote :lol

If I rated just the hero's from the comics themselves it would look like this.

1. Hulk
2. Batman
3. Conan the Barbarian
4. The Punisher
5. Spider-man

Those were and in the case of Hulk and Batman, still are the comics I read today.

I was a Hulk fan from the comics and then the TV show. Batman came from the Adam West reruns and some very early 70's comics.

I know Conan is not really a "Comic book" hero.. But he was in the Marvel Universe so I am counting him. Conan was my life in the 80's.. I still love reading the old Savage Sword magazines.

Punisher hit me in the late 80's and I was a big fan of the Jim Lee War Zone comics

Spider-man was a comic that i would read here and there but mostly enjoyed his cameos in Hulk and Punisher comics more then anything.

Fav hero's if i go beyond just the comics

1. Hulk
2. Batman
3. Superman
4. Spider-man
5. Conan
6. Captain America
8. Iron Man
My superhero list, excluding Anime or movies.

1. Batman
2. Superman
3. Spiderman
4. Hulk
5. Wolverine

Having said that, I hate Batgod and any time he holds his own against JL level threats. It diminishes those characters. Batman doesnt stand a chance against anyone outside Gotham, period.
I was not expecting that gif after reading that novel. :lol

I'm not a fan of objects giving people their powers, in this case a ring. Also, I feel like his powers are not well defined. I do like the "will" aspect because it leaves the door open for the character to both fail and succeed when necessary. However, I wish they got rid of the rings, and for their power to come from within, kind of like "Ki" in Dragon Ball or "the schwartz" in Space Balls when Yogurt tells Bill Pullman he had the power inside the whole time and the ring was just some price he found in a Cracker Jack box. :lol

Hmm wouldnt batman fall into the same category??? I guess it depends on how you define ?powers?, but batman wouldnt be a superhero without using objects” or things like the armored suit. Take away his money and all of his toys and he is just a defective with badass martial arts skills. Tony stark also comes to mind, what would he be without all the money or the “objects” he uses that grant him “powers”?? a “used car salesmen”??? lol
Hmm wouldnt batman fall into the same category??? I guess it depends on how you define ?powers?, but batman wouldnt be a superhero without using objects” or things like the armored suit. Take away his money and all of his toys and he is just a defective with badass martial arts skills. Tony stark also comes to mind, what would he be without all the money or the “objects” he uses that grant him “powers”?? a “used car salesmen”??? lol

Batman has no super powers, except for plot armor. I'm ok with a character using gadgets or even weapons as long as they have other skills. I'm not an Iron Man fan, but he made that suit, in a cave, with a box of scraps. GL got his rechargeable ring because he's special or something. :dunno
Yeah, tough choice. I went with Batman but he narrowly beat out Green Lantern. So...

1. Batman
2. Green Lantern (comics version all the way)
3. Superman
Batman favorite comic character--although I never saw him as a "Super-Hero" more as an anti-hero--regular rich guy with expensive gadgets--does he even have a 'super power?' no, therefore I will pick Superman from this list.